Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 5

Today it seems I am interested in any kind of job in any industry.  When I was doing my Masters in Comp Sci, I eventually settled on the video games industry as my target.  Officially, my project was in animation.  I figured this was good enough, as it was focused on programming and 3D technologies.  That isn't far off from video game design.  I also took courses in Video Game design, animation, and Distributed Systems.  Each of these courses shed some light on a large part of the video game industry.  They all involved serious programming too.  As a guy with not too much programming experience, these were good courses and it is a testament to my versatility and intelligence that I was able to pass those courses.  Today, I applied for two very different jobs at the Ubisoft office in Toronto. The first job was relevant to my work experience was a software developer in test position.  The second job was somewhat more related to my schooling and was a game developer position.  Jobs at places like Ubisoft are in extreme demand and there is very little chance that I will even be sent a rejection letter for the software test job.  Still, it is important that I apply for jobs which I, either now or in the past, have some interest on a personal level.

I have been thinking of taking a vacation.  I know of a beach resort in Miami FLA that costs only 90$ per night.  I have been there once and liked it, so I want to drive down there now and spend a week there.  While I should not spend that money, this is a perfect time to have a vacation and there would be no better vacay than a long drive and sitting on the beach in a cool city in the 32 degree weather.  I am not sure if I will do this as I seem to have some weird kidney infection that I need to see a doctor about.  We'll see.

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